Unless you are using a single-sign-on solution, your members must agree to being invited to ezeep.
The simplest and most secure way for this confirmation is to send a custom password link via email. When a password is set, we know that this member agreed to using ezeep.
When you invite someone to your ezeep account, we automatically send an invitation email. Within seven days, your members can click on the link in that email, set their password and start using ezeep.
But what happens when someone doesn’t see the email or set their password in time? You’ll need to resend the invitation email and this is how you go about it:
Resending the invitation email:
- Go to the users list in your ezeep account
- Select the users you want to send the invitation email to
- Click on “Send Invitation” at the bottom of the list
- Click “Selected Users”
- Confirm that you want to send the email now.
Alternatively, you can send the invitation to anyone who did not yet react to your invitation by selecting “Pending Users”, or to “All Users” – something only needed in rare circumstances.
Go ahead and invite new members!