1. Go to Users and Groups and select the “add people” button at the top of the page. This will pop up a dialog to “add new user”:

screenshot: ezeep user list

    screenshot: Add new user popup


2. Click “here” and an export CSV file will be downloaded to your hard drive. Open the file in Excel:

screenshot: download link for sample CSV file





3. Once in Excel, you can edit the user info here.

screenshot: example of CSV file in MS Excel


You can either add users (add rows), edit users (edit the cells in the row) or delete users (delete rows). You can also put “yes” (or leave blank to not send the invite) in the invite column, which will determine whether the user will receive an email invite to set their password:

screenshot: example of CSV file in MS Excel

4. Once done editing, save the file, and then return to your ezeep portal and click “Upload CSV File”:

screenshot: Upload CSV file to ezeep

5. The system will verify the file and display any messages or errors, then you can click “NEXT”:

screenshot: CSV file verification


6. Select your options. We have selected the following options as we want to both add and remove users as well as edit existing users, then click “PREPARE IMPORT”:

screenshot: select import type

7. The next screen will tell you what is going to happen if you continue. Check that it matches what you are expecting, and then click “PROCEED WITH IMPORT”:screenshot: review results of preparation

You will now see your user list updated synced with the changes you made in the export file:

screenshot: user list after CSV import