Great news! You have been invited to use ezeep by your organization. The password has been set and you can print using the Web Portal. That’s awesome.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could just print on your Chromebook and your Chrome browser? Oh wait, You can do this with ezeep.  


What we need to do to begin is download the ThinPrint Cloud Extension from the Chrome Web Store.

Navigate to:


screenshot: open the chrome web store and select extensions

Search for the ThinPrint Cloud Extension

 screenshot: search for ThinPrint Cloud Extension 

Click on Add to Chrome

screenshot: add extension to Chrome

Click on Add extension

screenshot: click add extension

screenshot: locate the cloud extension in your chrome bar

Sign in with your Ezeep credentials (email address and password)

screenshot: sign in with your ezeep credentials

You will see that you are logged in and your printers

screenshot: chrome extension main view

Now let’s see how to print using Ezeep. Here I am in my email and I select to print

screenshot: choose a document to print from Chrome

Change your printer to your ThinPrint Cloud Extension Printer

screenshot: select your printer from thinprint cloud extension

Click on Print

screenshot: select print

And you will see your job was sent to the printer

screenshot: notification of job sent to the printer


It’s that easy!

Go over to the printer and get your print job.


Happy Printing!!


Want to see the video Tutorial? Navigate to